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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Molestiae ut ratione similique temporibus tempora dicta soluta? Qui hic, voluptatem nemo quo corporis dignissimos voluptatum debitis cumque fugiat mollitia quasi quod. Repudiandae possimus quas odio nisi optio asperiores, vitae error laudantium, ratione odit ipsa obcaecati debitis deleniti minus, illo maiores placeat omnis magnam. Modi perferendis ipsa,[…]

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Wow – I am sooooooo happy to be sharing with you the arrival of!!! This website is truly a labor of love! I LOVE working with the energy of Reiki and sharing the experience! Now, the website makes this just a little bit easier. As with many things in life, the website would not[…]

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Does the insanity of repeating the same behavior over and over while hoping for or expecting different results have you clamoring for a change? I’ve learned from personal experience that when I am tripping down that well-worn path of certain behavior and thoughts, it can take a deliberate commitment to act or think in a[…]

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Appreciation – a word, a thought, a feeling, a vibration that is so very powerful! You’ve probably heard the concept that our mind is not able to focus on two thoughts at one time. Yes – I hear you – I, too, have multi-tasked. However, if I am truthful – I am keenly aware of[…]

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When I took this picture, I had accidentally hit the camera button on my smartphone and noticed these beautiful light rays streaming across the image captured through the lens of the phone. I was amazed at the view. I looked with my own two eyes – nothing! I looked with the camera – moving rainbow[…]

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